Scouts and Clubs

Wednesday is a great for  your club or scouts to visit Skate Factory.
Your troop can come visit us from 2 pm – 5 pm(September-May only)
or 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm.(All Year)

  • $5.00 per scout includes: Admission, Regular Skate Rental, and 9 oz drink.
  • $9.00 per scout includes: Admission, Regular Skate Rental, Slice of Pizza, and 9 oz drink.

*Inline Skate Rental $4.00 Extra

A minimum of 15 skaters for group rates.
Only one payment is accepted for all Groups

No individual payments will be accepted for Group rates.

Anyone desiring to SKATE at Skate Factory of Vero over the age of 18 must complete the following waiver.Click to Sign the Waiver